The calming power of sweet orange essential oil
My personal experience with the powers of orange essential oil: After a relaxing week at a wellness spa in Hotel Kurhaus training on herbal wellness with 30 colleagues from the USA in a small village nestled in the foothills of the Swiss Alps in Walzenhausen, Switzerland, we had a long stressful flight to Boston, Mass. Once we arrived in the Boston area we had to circle the airport for almost an hour. We were one of the last flights they allowed in due to a severe ice storm. After we slid into a stop on the runway we entered the airport terminal. Fatique and stress took a toll on me and I had blurred vision, nausea and the entire floor of the airport was rocking as though I was on a ship in the high seas in the perfect storm. It was the quick thinking on the part of my traveling companions, my sister Susie and friend Val, that saved the day. We had gotten essential oils from our herbal wellness company. Sifting through their bags they found and cracked open a fresh bottle of orange essential oil and stuck it under my nose and made me inhale the oils right from the bottle. Within seconds my panic, stress, blurred vision and sea sickness disappeared - true story! Sweet orange oil provides a soothing and refreshing effect on your mind and soul, and reduces restlessness and tension as well as many other amazing uses.
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