
Showing posts from April, 2011

Help Save the Honey Bees...Please sign the petition

    "Honeybees are dying off at an alarming rate. And, if Americans don’t act now to deal with what is being called “Colony Collapse Disorder,” we risk devastating our domestic food supply.     Yes, it’s that serious. According to American beekeepers, around one-third of the existing population of honeybees has died off every year since 2006 -- and scientists believe this year could be even worse. As more than 30% of our domestic food production depends on honey bee pollination, this crisis can’t be ignored.     What is causing Colony Collapse Disorder? There are a number of reasons, but mounting evidence points to pesticides -- and three “neonicotinoid” pesticides in particular: clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiomethoxam. That’s why a coalition of nonprofits, beekeepers, and concerned citizens are asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban these three pesticides. More than 1.2 million people have already signed onto the c...

Harmful Effects of Alcoholism, Cause & Effect

Harmful Effects of Alcoholism, Cause & Effect Take life one day at a time...........

Ocean Dreams, Underwater DVD Trailer


Please sign the Farm Bill for Healthy Food

Congress writes a new Farm Bill every 5 years. Help the Environmental Working Group, EWG, to help us have healthier food. We can all help to make a difference. Click on the following link:

Please sign the Save the Bees Petition

"Quietly, billions of bees are being killed off across the country threatening our crops and food. But a ban of one group of pesticides could save bees from extinction. Four European countries have begun banning the poisons and bee populations are recovering. But chemical companies are lobbying hard to keep all killer pesticides on the market. A global outcry now for a ban in the US and EU, where debate is raging, could provoke a total ban and a ripple effect around the world. giant global buzz calling for these dangerous chemicals to be outlawed until and unless they are proved to be safe." Click on the following link.......

EWG's 10 Americans presentation - Part 1 of 3


Where is your sense of humor?

People who can laugh at a good joke ( or even themselves), comedians, and people who have the good sense to utilize the benefits that humor has to offer, all have something in common. They all possess a “sense of humor.” According to, a sense of humor is “the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous.” It is also a coping mechanism to deal with life’s absurdities, a physical and mental health aid, and a tool to strengthen your relationships (if used properly). There are certainly many things going on in our lives that we have to worry about and take seriously. As adults, we worry about job security, taxes, housing and feeding our families, crime, terrorists, the environment, illnesses, war, loss of loved ones, and the list goes on. Still, we wake up every morning to start a brand new day. Possessing a sense of humor means that you can allow yourself to add laughter to your life, it can help you to cope with whatever challenges and obstacles come...

Monsanto is killing our bee population with pesticides
